The Highest & Best Paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol
Introduction to TaleteCode TaleteCode is a protocol for auto-staking and auto-compounding. This means that the protocol will allow users to stake their tokens for the protocol to then compound the tokens for them. The protocol will also allow users to stake other tokens and earn other tokens that the protocol compounds. An example of this would be a user could stake Bitcoin and earn Bitcoin cash. Another example of this would be a user could stake Steem and earn Steem Dollars. The protocol will also allow users to stake tokens and earn more of that same token. An example of this would be a user would stake Bitcoin and earn more Bitcoin. The protocol will also allow users to stake one token and earn another token that they did not stake. An example of this would be a user staking Bitcoin and earning Bitcoin Cash. TaleteCode is a Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol for the next level of decentralized financial applications. It is built to be: 100% Decentralized, 100% Anonymous, 100% ...